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The Review Summary for Mobile Apps

Trusted Apps for Kids Index review system is created to evaluate the design, interactivity, cognitive ability and personality growth aspects of mobile apps and games- developed for children.

The app evaluation summary

Dinosaur Games-Baby dino Coco adventure season 4

TAK Index Age Suggestion
4 - 5 YEARS
TAK Index Ranking

Game Design

Game Interactivity

Cognitive Abilities Assessment

Personality Traits Growth


Arithmetic Reasoning


Attention to Detail

Processing Speed

Problem Solving


Word Processing

The app description from app developers (Disclaimer English Only): The earth defense missile defense game with the exciting dinosaurs Amazing dino robots appear! Interesting missile interception game Formidable meat-eating dinosaurs appear! People who like the dinosaurs will be interested 100%. ■ Exciting earth defense missile game - dinosaurs game Joy of assembling the dinosaur robots - the missile interception system is run as soon as you complete in assembling the dinosaur robots Excitingly intercept the asteroids falling into the earth. You can feel the sense of hitting whenever intercepting asteroids. ■ Exciting and interesting dinosaur sticker play Meat-eating dinosaurs children like appear! Dinosaurs' cry which bursts whenever you touch the meat-eating dinosaurs You can compare the detailed information and size about the dinosaurs during play. 1. Adventure of baby dinosaur Coco(story) - Earth defense dino king (dino robot) An asteroid approaches to the far future earth from now. So scientists run the dinoking plan and go back to the past using the time machine to bring dinosaurs. Coco and tyrannosaur are reborn as the dinoking dino robot to play a role of keeping the earth. 2. The world of Carnivores dinosaurs including the tyrannosaur Dinoking is made based on the tyrannosaurs. So you can see meat-eating dinosaurs including the tyrannosaurs. You can experience the interactive response of a variety of formidable meat-eating dinosaurs and listen to the dinosaurs' cry. And you can confirm how big the dinosaurs are. 3. Exciting and interesting dinosaur series - baby dinosaur coco series Baby dinosaur coco experiences different dinosaurs as exploring the dino world. So children can feel and enjoy all kinds of interesting dinosaurs. Coco lets you experience all kinds of dinosaurs in the sea, thick forest, and in the future. Baby dino Coco's adventure continues and you can continue the dino experience. Fantastic dino world and interesting dino game, formidable meat-eating dinosaurs appear, transformation of meat-eating dinosaurs: 'dino robot dinoking', earth defense game with Dinoking
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Game Review Versions: 1.4,2.4